One’s Own Shadow

There are few footfalls along the path of life that we choose for ourselves. We are dragged through hoping that, at least, the prints we leave will tell our story as we hoped it would be.

We rejoin the four that brought us to this point. Socair, Óraithe, Rianaire, and Aile still live, as best they can, in a world that moves ever closer to war. Perhaps they will struggle against it, perhaps they will walk with the changing winds.

They each see the path laid behind them through their own eyes. It is through the eyes of others that shadows grow. One is never asked, but still, they will each come to understand the weight of their own shadow.

Cover Art by: Anna Dittmann


in the loosest sense of the term

This is the area of the site where Randall P. Fitzgerald pretends that Randall P. Fitzgerald isn’t writing Randall P. Fitzgerald’s own biography.

Randall was raised in rural North Carolina and is currently living in Portland, Oregon. He’s trying not to let the constant motion sickness caused by rapidly moving plaid destroy his productivity. Other than that, he writes books. Sci-fi and fantasy, probably. Maybe with some other stuff in there.

Requisite snide remark about Portland out of the way, Randall is continuing to refer to himself in the third person and it makes him sick. He’s going to stop writing this bio now.